

EGCA Camping Trip 2019

EGCA went camping at Lake of the Springs

EGCA Photography Club

EGCA Photography Club photo shooting practice at UC Davis Arboretum

EGCA Sports Activities

Annual tennis and other sports competitions provide a reason for our sports lovers to practice together and have fun at every event!

EGCA Children Talent Show and Evening Performance

Annual EGCA children talent show and evening performance provide an opportunity for talents to shine on stage!

Welcome to Elk Grove Chinese Association

EGCA The mission of the Elk Grove Chinese Association (EGCA) is to foster a community for the local Chinese Americans
• To promote friendship, communication, community service and involvement, and Chinese Culture;
• To safeguard Chinese American interests;
• To educate next generations about our heritage.


2023年2月12日,华人联谊会举行 “第23届青少年才艺表演”。

Vanessa Hua: 舞台上的故事

Vanessa Hua: 舞台上的故事
旧金山纪事报专栏作家 Vanessa Hua 跟舞台上的故事组织于7月24号晚上7:00表演她新写的书,Forbidden City,的一段摘录。更多信息


华人联谊会“第二十二届青少年儿童才艺表 演”拟定于2022年1月举行,才艺表演的相关信 息将另行通知以这是网上报名表的链接。会员们可在其中了 解有关此次活动的细则。


2022年的“联谊会基金会奖学金”申报活动将开始。联谊会将向会员家庭中那些应届高中毕业、且即将进入大学深造的学生发放奖学金,以资鼓励。 请有意申请者在2022年4月15日之前与副会长梁建华联络。她的联络方式是: 邮件:jhliang77@yahoo.com电话:916-688-7430


请考虑为被诊断患有急性白血病 的 Lillian捐赠骨髓
The Elk Grove Chinese Association is a federal recognized 501(c)4 non-profit organization whose members are mainly Chinese Americans living in, but not limited to, the Elk Grove community, 12 miles south of Sacramento, in the State of California, United States of America.

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